
What a fascinating concept. When I stop and really think about it, I am intrigued by what comes up for me. There is the language used to describe time. There are various perspectives about time. And, there is my personal relationship with time.

Have you taken note of the way Time is described in everyday communication?

  • Time is running out
  • Time flies
  • Time slips away
  • Where does the time go?
  • Don’t waste time!
  • There is never enough time
  • Time’s up!

These phrases bring up a sense of urgency and anxiety for me. I feel pressured to get things done and to race through my day in order to ‘beat the clock’.

There is the often the expectation to produce more in less time. I find myself getting caught up in the attitude that says, ‘Faster is better.’ Multi-tasking becomes the norm.

Time is seen as the enemy.

With this mindset, I measure my worth by what I accomplish, and I wear my badge of ‘busy-ness’ with pride. All the while, I am exhausted and weary. Is this how I want to live my life? No, it is not!

I wonder…….are there other ways to view time?

What would it be like to see time as a gift? Each moment would be precious and I could be a partner with time.

Here are some of my perspectives on time:

  1. Focusing on the process rather than just the goal

    When I take a project one step at a time, and slow down to notice what is happening right now, I am able to see time as my ally. The goal is still in front of me. However, I am not pushing through at all cost and at top speed. I remind myself that nature has cycles. Flowers blossom at exactly the right time. The ordinary tasks of my day have a rhythm as well. The art of slowing down and pacing myself allow me to ‘enjoy the journey’. I am not at the mercy of the clock!

  2. I prioritize my tasks for the day

    This is another way I have shifted my relationship with time. I consider what I have committed to do and I choose what is most important at the moment. Perhaps not everything will get done today. Will it really matter? I have something to say about that. I choose not to be a victim of my ‘to-do list’.
    I learn to ask for help. Time expands when I am in partnership with others and I don’t have to do it all on my own.

  3. Pleasure becomes my guide.

    You may wonder how pleasure relates to time. When I pay attention to what I enjoy doing, I am energized and get things done with ease. This includes the tasks that may be seen as dreary or a ‘necessary evil’. For me, this means doing one thing at a time.
    Chopping vegetables mindfully while preparing a pot of soup becomes a reflective experience.
    Cleaning the bathroom while listening to blues music at top volume adds a sense of play to an often thankless chore. Writing a blog post with candles burning and and sipping a fresh cup of coffee adds joy to my project.
    Time slows down when I notice my breathing and consciously breathe deeply. When I spend time with my grandchildren and their newborn kittens, I am in a place of ‘timelessness’. A walk in the woods helps me to be present and reminds me of the beauty of each moment.

My personal relationship with Time

I see myself in the early stages of my relationship with Time. We are new to this idea of being in partnership. I am experimenting with seeing time as my friend and ally. I am hopeful that as we continue to connect in this way, I will change my language and my attitude. Rather than saying, ‘I don’t have time to do that’, I will say, ‘I am choosing to do this, rather than that.’ I am excited to be at choice, rather than be controlled by the tyrant of time.

This time of year can be an especially tricky season. Christmas and holiday expectations are linked to the lack of time to get it all done. I look forward to how my view of Time will give me renewed peace and joy.

I have many more questions about Time.

  • Why does time seem to go faster the older I get?
  • How do I relax about time when I know I am finite?
  • How do I learn to trust myself as I choose to be in partnership with Time?

Perhaps you have questions too.

[question]What is your perspective on time? How do you slow down in life? I would love to hear how you are in partnership with Time.
Feel welcome to share your ideas and questions in the comments.[/question]


Margaret · November 30, 2017 at 10:40 am

Thought-provoking and timely, Marjorie. I’ll read it again, and contemplate some more.

Marjorie · November 30, 2017 at 12:56 pm

Thank you Margaret…….I hear you saying that you will ‘take the time’ to read it again and contemplate’…….I look forward to hearing what comes up for you as you do that.

Orly Levy · December 1, 2017 at 6:38 pm

I found thus post very insightful! I have also had recebt shifts with time. Since becoming a mom I have a totally new relationship with time. I find presence is my most supportive tool. Still at times I forgot and your list is definitely helpful. Loads of love!

    Marjorie · January 22, 2018 at 3:54 pm

    Thanks for your comments, Orly❤️
    I know that life with a little one creates a whole new opportunity to view time in a new way! Slowing down gave me more patience when my children were little. And it enriches my relationship with my grandchildren at this season of my life.

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