Learning to receive has been a challenge for me over the years. Kind of like learning a new language. The act of receiving does not come naturally for me. I translate from my ‘original language’ of Marjorie, the Helper. I stop, take a breath and choose to speak the ‘foreign’ language of Receiving.

Why have I chosen to learn this new way of being? Why not embrace my role as a Helper and leave the receiving to others?

When I enrolled in the coaching program that I graduated from, I was introduced to the concept of receiving. I found that there were significant reasons for me to learn more.

Here are the reasons why it is now an integral part of my life and the rewards of receiving I have discovered.

  1. Receiving reconnects me with my feminine energy

    I have spent most of my life accessing my masculine energy. It was an integral part of me managing my role as the primary wage earner of our family. It kept me organized, drove me to succeed and push through obstacles. These are positive attributes and they served me well. I am proud of what I accomplished over the years.

    However, when I retired from my full time profession, I faced the uncertainty of my future. I intuitively knew there was another aspect to living my life. I explored the idea of ‘being’ rather than just ‘doing’. This highlighted the concept of receiving. Feminine energy flows. It is open to what is offered. It senses when to take action from the soul. This action includes receiving in a variety of forms.

  2. Receiving means reaching out with vulnerability and humility

    Receiving is a vulnerable act. When I receive, I admit that I can not do it alone. At first, I
    struggled with pride. I wanted to come across as strong and capable.

    Then I realized that asking for help is a sign of strength. The paradox of ‘finding strength in weakness’ transformed my view of receiving. I found healing and a deepening of connection with others.

  3. Receiving leads to richness of relationships

    I have come to understand that when I receive from others, I am part of what I call the ‘gift exchange’.

    A gift is not a gift unless it is received.

    How do I receive?
    • I say yes to a cup of coffee offered to me by a friend (or a stranger!)
    • When I get a compliment I respond with a simple ‘thank you’
    • I am able to ask for what I need without apology

    As I receive, I honour the person who is offering me their gift. This flow of giving and receiving is the basis of creating and maintaining community. Sometimes I give. And sometimes I receive. We are in this together as we participate in this dance.

  4. Renewal and rejuvenation result from receiving

    One of the big benefits of receiving has been the renewed energy I feel. I realize I am not alone! I am no longer pushing myself to get things done, no matter what. I pay attention to my energy and health. I seek support when I need it.

Today I experienced the joy of receiving. Over a yummy lunch, I shared my concerns about an issue in my life. I chose to admit my worry. I reached out with humility and vulnerability. The ‘gift exchange’ happened when I said what I desired, and I received my friend’s loving reflections. I left our time together with a lightness in my step and a sense of possibility in my heart. And, my friend expressed her gratitude for our time together, telling me that she felt privileged to support me.

I want to continue to practice the art of receiving. I look forward to the time when it no longer seems like a foreign language to me.

[question]What is your experience of receiving? Is it your ‘first language’? Or do you find it takes intention and practice in your life? I look forward to hearing your reflections.[/question]


Janet · November 18, 2017 at 7:52 am

Beautifully written Marjorie. This is so true for all of us.

Marjorie · November 19, 2017 at 12:42 pm

Thank you for your comment, Janet. I am glad to hear that this idea resonates with you!

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