This week I am celebrating! I hosted my first day long retreat on Saturday and I feel happy and proud as I reflect on what happened.

As you may already know, the theme for the day was Play and Pleasure. And, we had fun playing together in a beautiful setting with delicious food and playful activities.

The pictures I am sharing tell the story of what we did.

Collecting treasures from the beach

Creating a mandela with items from Mother Nature

Blowing bubbles from the 19th floor into the mischievous wind

Remembering playtime as children as we shared photos of ourselves as young girls

Doodling and colouring, and writing in our journals


However, the pictures don’t tell the whole story of what happened that day. Play invited us to take risks by trying activities outside our comfort zone. There was laughter and there were some tears. And, in the safety of our circle, there was a deep sense of being seen and of belonging as we opened up to each other.

I am celebrating myself for hosting this day. And, I am celebrating the women who  courageously joined me. Thank you!

Today I offer another opportunity for you to listen to my podcast with Amanda Johnson. We explore the concept of PLAY and the important place it has in our lives. My desire is that you will be inspired to play each day!

And now, I am off to pack for a trip to the ultimate place to play……Disneyland! My husband and I are travelling there with our children and grandchildren next week. I am so excited to play together as a family, and I look forward to sharing my experiences with you when I return.


[disclaim]I welcome your comments about how play shows up in your life. What do you do for play? What motivates you to play? What keeps you from playing? Please share your thoughts below.[/disclaim]



Tracy · May 4, 2017 at 8:48 am

Congratulations Marjorie.

    Marjorie · May 4, 2017 at 12:32 pm

    Thank you Tracy! You have encouraged me on this path and I am grateful. I look forward to when you host your first retreat.

Jeannine · May 4, 2017 at 9:28 am

Marjorie I am so happy to get a sneak peak into your magical day. So happy to see you leading retreats. Love you sister. Have so much fun at Disneyland!

    Marjorie · May 4, 2017 at 12:35 pm

    So great to hear from you, Jeannine! I want you to know that as I attended the retreats you have hosted, I was inspired to lead retreats of my own. Thank you for your loving support! I love you too and yes, you know how much fun Disneyland can be……..especially through the eyes of the young children that we love.

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