She stood there with her hands on her hips and said, ‘Grandma, take off your boots and play with me right now!’
He shook his head vigorously and said, ‘No, grandma, I no like that!’
As I was preparing to leave, she ran to me with tears in her eyes. ‘Grandma, don’t go home yet. I want to play with you.’
‘You can’t catch me! You’re it, Grandma!’
‘I can show you how to set up Skype, Grandma.’
‘Let’s make play dough. I want pink!’
‘Did you bring the bear cookies for us?’
‘Look at my Lego tower.’
‘Let’s play dress up. Grandma, you be a pirate.’
‘Read me a story. Another one, please?’
Over the past few weeks I have spent time caring for my grandchildren. I have been immersed in their world and as I reflect on this time, I am struck by the gifts they have given me.
On one hand, I wondered if I would have the energy to be with them. What about ‘my’ responsibilities and commitments? Would I get behind in my business? I was tempted to feel anxious about the impact on my life.
And, as I set the intention to be fully present and responded to them from a place of love, I realized what a privilege it was for me.
Here are the top 5 gifts I got from my grandchildren and the difference they have made in my life.
1. Play
My grandchildren didn’t worry about the purpose of every activity. Fun happened as they focused on whatever they desired. Whether we were creating pieces of art or building a Lego masterpiece, we had fun. I relaxed and followed their lead. At times, I took up an activity I wanted to do. Sometimes they joined me. Other times they continued with whatever they were doing. We played happily side by side. I realized how seldom I stop to do what I really want to do just for the sake of doing it…..not to complete a project or please someone else. I felt happy and light hearted as I played. What if I would take time to play even if I wasn’t with my grandchildren? What might be the impact on my enjoyment of life? I want to give this a try!
2. A new experience of Time
There was an abundance of time in the eyes of these little ones. They hopped from one room to the other, they asked questions with endless curiosity, they wanted the same story over and over again, they ate when they were hungry, and said no to food if they weren’t. They showed complete absorption in whatever they were doing, and often got upset if I interrupted them. For them, the present moment was all that mattered. I learned that slowing down and lowering my expectations of ‘how much I would get done’ when with them was a relief to me. As I stopped what I was doing to talk with them and their stuffed animals, time stood still. I wonder how I can take this learning back with me to my world of business details and ‘adult’ responsibilities? Is it possible to revisit my view of time in this area of my life as well?
3. Freedom to be me
Dance parties with my grandchildren are the best! They effortlessly moved with the music. There was no comparison or worry about being good enough. They loved dress up and drawing pictures with me. Wild colours and original ideas showed up as we created together. It didn’t matter if it hadn’t been done before! They also expressed their emotions freely and with abandon. Tears flowed with no holding back when a knee got scraped or someone’s feelings got hurt. Laughter and smiles were shared abundantly when they felt happy. How often do I limit myself in creativity and joy in life because I am worried about what others might think? What is possible for me as I let go of my fear of others’ opinions of me? Am I willing to express my emotions freely, both to myself and to those I love?
4. The courage to say what I want
I am struck by the clarity of my grandchildren’s desires and their ability to say what they want. And, what they don’t want. They know that they want the pink cup. They point to the food that they are longing for even if they don’t have the words to name it. They yell with ferocity if someone else takes their place at the table. I have come to admire this trait in them. I am never at a loss to know what they want. They may not always get what they want, and at least they are clear on what it is! I reflect on my experience with my friends and colleagues. How often do I hold back on asking for what I want? There are times I am not even sure what it is I want…..until I don’t get it. Or I may guess at what someone else wants rather than ask them. Life is much simpler when I know what I want and can ask for it. I am willing to be more aware of my desires and to be courageous in expressing them as a result of my time with my grandchildren. This includes getting clear with others on their wants. I have a sense that partnership and increased creativity will result from these actions.
5. Love
Unconditional love. Sweet, sticky hugs. Sloppy kisses and warm squeezes. Huge smiles and shrieks of excitement when I show up and they leap up into my arms. Snuggles and wiggles on my lap as we read books together. My grandchildren accept me fully. They don’t judge me on what I have accomplished that particular day. They don’t notice if I am having a bad hair day or not. They give me pictures to put on my fridge. They allow me to dry their tears or comfort them at a scary part in the movie. Their soft expressions as they cuddle a kitten or a newborn baby are an inspiration to me. They accept gifts from me with no worries about being worthy. I receive the gift of love from my grandchildren with humility and an open heart. And, I want to share love with others in my life just as I am loved so freely by my grandchildren. They have taught me to give and receive love from others without judgment.
I wonder how children show up in your life? What gifts have you received from them? I would love to hear what struck you as a result of reading my reflections. What are you willing to embrace in your life as a result of lessons you may be learning from the children in your world? Leave a comment below or send me a message!
Jolyn · March 31, 2016 at 6:18 pm
Trus is one of the best articles I have read all year. Bravo! xoxo
Marjorie · April 6, 2016 at 5:15 pm
Thank you, Joyln. I imagine you have received some of these same gifts from your beautiful, little daughter!
die deutsche kredit · February 16, 2017 at 8:21 am
Most cons do know how to speak eloquently and have a gift of gab. The thing most liberal illuminati also know how to do is spend all the money they’ve sucked out of people.
Orly · April 1, 2016 at 6:14 pm
Wow, I’m touched by the beauty and simplicity of this piece. Children are great teachers for us and I absolutely want to follow their lead more. Thank you wise one!!!
Marjorie · April 6, 2016 at 5:17 pm
Thanks Orly! I love that you see beauty and simplicity…..that is what I experience when I am with these young wise souls!