Life’s low tides allow time to appreciate the beauty below the surface’.

New Year’s is often associated with the expectation to set goals and jump fully into the new year. There is conversation about New Year’s Resolutions and a sense of pressure to wipe the slate clean and visualize a new year of wealth, health and adventure.

This year I am choosing a different way. I am easing into January and practicing the art of
slowing down. I am paying attention to what is best for me. Rather than feeling guilty for my ‘lack of ambition’, I am honouring my energy levels. I have given myself permission to rest and wait, rather than push through at all costs.

You might describe my life as being at ‘low tide’.

This process has not been easy for me. Over the years I have taken pride in my accomplishments. I have set goals and celebrated when I reached them. This experience of waiting is unfamiliar to me. Who am I if I am not focused on a project? Being productive is who Marjorie is!

So……what shifted for me?

I have come to realize that I want to live my life filled with a sense of peace. Pressuring myself to push ahead and act before I am ready does not bring me satisfaction.

As I navigated this way of being, I was directed to a word that I am calling my ‘Word of the Year‘. Instead of writing a list of New Year’s Resolutions, I imagined how I wanted to feel in this new year. I thought about what attribute would support me. What quality would inspire me to live a life of peace and deep meaning?

My word for 2018 actually ‘found me’. I became aware that I want to feel vibrant and energetic
this year with a healthy, strong body. Lately I have not felt this way. I found myself resisting the image of me as not being healthy. I was impatient with my body and I felt resentful at the fact that I am not as energetic as I would like to be. I am getting support for my health journey and I feel a glimmer of possibility. And, I don’t like how long it all takes! I want a quick fix!

Then this question came to mind:

What would life be like if I accepted my life exactly as it was?

What if I surrendered instead of striving? How about showing compassion to myself instead of

Almost immediately I felt a sense of calm. I trusted all would be well. I let go of my shame about my situation and surrendered to the unknown.


The more I explore this word, the more layers of meaning I discover. For now, it is a reminder to accept life as it unfolds. I am receiving rather than resisting. I am joyful, not judgmental.

My word has already impacted my life. Last week I was faced with a challenging situation. I felt anxious and sad. I wanted to change what was happening. Then the word ‘Accept’ came into my awareness.

I paused and took deep breath. I asked myself, ‘What would Acceptance look like at this moment?’ Time slowed down, and my perspective shifted from over-whelm and fear to openness and trust. I let go of what I had no control over and in so doing, I gave myself the gift of calm and peace.

I am curious to see what other lessons emerge with the word Acceptance accompanying me this year.

[question]How do you prepare for the New Year? Do you choose a Word? Or perhaps you have another way to be supported. I would love to hear about your rituals or your word for 2018. I am encouraged and inspired by your comments and thoughts. Please share in the comments below.[/question]



Cathy · January 29, 2018 at 6:39 pm

My word for 2018 is Service, something I want to expand in my life, while at the same time being a concept I struggle with, unsure how it and I fit together at times.

I like your way of surrendering into the word. My question then becomes, “How can I be of service in this moment?”

Lovely post, Marjorie. Thanks!

    Marjorie Warkentin · March 25, 2019 at 5:23 pm

    Thank you, Cathy, for your thoughtful response. I am glad that this resonated with you. And, the question, ‘How can I be of service in this moment?’ is a powerful way to be at choice in life.

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