My latest published article with Thrive Global

What I Learned by Questioning Everything with a New Perspective

Over the past few weeks, I have been in a state of feeling unsettled and restless. I hear questions bubbling up within me, and I am tempted to throw up my hands and sigh loudly, ‘Is there no direction for me?’

The questions tumble around in my head like the socks and towels in the dryer. They buzz annoyingly like a fly trapped between the screen and the window in my living room. They have no rhyme or reason, just a jumble of unanswered and seemingly unrelated wonderings.

What is happening to my body? Where does the tension come from? Why is my digestive system so unsettled? Who is that woman I see in the mirror? Why is she frowning? What is causing her slumped posture?

What is the matter with my sleep? Why do I have such vivid and disturbing dreams? Why do I wake up feeling more tired than when I went to bed?

Why can’t I think of a topic for a blog post? How do I know anyone even reads my blog posts? What is my reason for writing? Why does my writing feel like a duty these days? What happened to my creativity?

What will happen with my book sales? What if I do not make any money? Why did I have to release a book just before COVID-19 showed up in the world? Why does it seem as if I am a failure as an author?

What will happen now that the restrictions are lifting for physical distancing? What will it look like for me to be actively engaged with others in close proximity? Why do I hesitate about being with a group when I have been feeling lonely and isolated? Why can’t I figure out what I want?

As I look over my list, I see that the recurring question underlying my jumble of thoughts is:

What is wrong with me?

Wow! No wonder I am feeling unsettled and unhappy. I know that my thoughts have an impact on my emotions and my body. I have been focusing on questions that cause me unrest and fear.

Continue Reading HERE

Categories: Self-Care


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