My most recent article publication with The Elephant Journal:

Learning to Dance With Disappointment, Expecting Sunshine and Finding Smoky Skies Instead

Are you the type of person that loves to plan and look forward to a vacation? Do you enjoy the process of choosing places to stay and activities to enjoy while you are away? If you are anything like me, the anticipation is a large part of the fun.

A few weeks ago, my husband and I were in the midst of planning a week’s holiday on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. It had been almost a year since we had taken a trip for just the two of us, and I could hardly wait! Together we found beautiful places to stay, and I imagined the big blue skies above the crashing waves of the ocean. We booked our tickets for the ferry ride and started packing.

Then this happened.

The forest fires to the south of us increased in size and intensity. The winds shifted and the smoke drifted into our province. We chose to still go on our vacation and drove to the ferry on a hazy morning. One of the best parts of an Island vacation is the ferry ride. Standing on the outer deck and watching for seals and maybe even a whale sighting makes for an exciting trip. I am mesmerized by the expanse of water and the big sky above and I truly have the experience of ‘getting away from it all.’

Not this time. I couldn’t see the water, or the horizon. As I stood by the railing, the blast of the foghorn startled me.

Keep reading article HERE

Categories: Acceptance


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