Hummingbirds and Courage

It has been two weeks since my book was birthed into the world. Like a proud and nervous parent who needs to adjust to their unfamiliar role of parenting a newborn, I am still getting used to my identity as an author. I see my book on Amazon, and I am filled with a mixture of awe and excitement. I view posts from people who are reading my book and eagerly telling the world how beautiful it is and I wonder….’is this really my book they are describing?’

As I receive the acknowledgements and affirmations, I realize that celebrating takes courage. I knew that writing my book required vulnerability and strength of character. I am now learning that stepping into my role as a published author asks me to show up with daring and a wholehearted acceptance of what this means for me.

This trail of sharing my book with the world is filled with unfamiliar twists and turns. I wonder… can I navigate this path? Fear and doubt show up and I am reminded of the concepts in my book. I wrote about fear and trust. I choose to follow my own words of how to be with fear.

I stop. 

I sit quietly and take some slow, deep breaths, relaxing my shoulders and closing my eyes. I allow myself to be in stillness.

Unexpectedly, I see a hummingbird flit across my mind’s eye. I smile and relax even more. This bird is a special symbol for me, and I know it has a message for me at this moment.

Then something else comes to mind. My Word of the Year for 2020 speaks into my heart.


Each year I choose a word to guide me and this year my word is Courage. Over the past years, my words have grounded me as I considered next steps or asked for help with a sticky problem. The energy of the word never fails to lead me in a rich and powerful direction.

Now I am curious. 

What does the hummingbird have to do with Courage? Why would these two images come to my mind together?

This summer I wrote much of my book outdoors. I sat at the picnic table in our front courtyard, listening to the musical sounds of the water fountain, enjoying the shade of the Japanese maple tree and watching the hummingbirds. They would show up unexpectedly and often perch above me in the tree branches.

Each time a hummingbird appeared I smiled. I felt a surge of creative energy and sensed a kinship with these tiny messengers. What was it about these little ones that cheered me on in my writing?

I decided to research the meaning of a hummingbird. I was astonished to find a wealth of information and delighted to learn more about their significance.

These birds have wings that beat up to 80 times per second, and they can fly backwards, hover up and down and go from flying full speed to an instant stop. I was fascinated to learn that they move their wings in the pattern of an infinity symbol, which is the figure 8. Some say that they are therefore a symbol of eternity, continuity and infinity.

As I watched the hummingbirds, I was struck by their colours, shapes and movement. It was as if they were reminding me to seek out the magic in life. I learned that they are known to travel up to 2000 miles to reach their destination when they migrate. They are a model of tenacity and endurance in pursuit of their goals.

They embody freedom as they flit from the feeder to the flowers in my garden. This winter I saw how they demonstrated courage and trust as well when we had a week of below freezing temperatures. The hummingbird feeders needed to be protected from freezing. My husband and I changed them regularly throughout the day, and when we showed up early in the morning, the tiny birds dive-bombed our heads as we placed the feeder safely in place. Their patience was rewarded, and they eagerly drank the nectar.

I thought it was time to also learn more about the word, Courage. The origin of the word from the Anglo-French is coer, which means Heart. I knew that I would need courage to follow my convictions, to trust myself, and to be authentic as I stepped into my identity as an author. All these attributes required that I live from my heart. This resonated with me as I related it to the principles of my book, ‘Saying Yes to Life’.

I want to see these next stages of my journey as an adventure, with new opportunities that will be creative, life-giving and fun. The hummingbird reminds me of the playfulness that is
possible in life. They dart and swoop with eager energy, as they keep looking for food and don’t give up. They inspire me to keep going even when I hit a dead end in the trail, when I stumble or get weary, wondering if I am even on the right path. The possibility of speaking engagements, podcasts and interviews fills me with a sense of anticipation, mixed with terror. What have I said yes to? Can I really do this?

Hummingbirds accept my help in the winter months, and so I remind myself that asking for help is not a sign of weakness. I am not alone as I embrace both the magic and the messiness of my journey. I am in partnership with an amazing publicist, Karie Millspaugh and I have a bouquet of soul-sisters that are there for me when I need to vent or reach out for help.

You may have noticed the symbol of the hummingbird on my website and seen it included in my on-line signature. I want my readers to be inspired by the energy and meaning of the hummingbird as they stay in touch with me. I take a stand for lightness, creativity, play and courage as I show up in the world of being an author, speaker and coach.

What is helpful for you in your life as you are faced with a challenging life situation? Do you have a symbol or word to encourage you? Perhaps my blog post today will get you dreaming about what might support you in times of fear, overwhelm or when you are at a crossroads in the path.

I would love to hear from you about your experience of sharing this time with me. Thank you for taking the time to read these words. And, check out my book, “Saying Yes to Life: Embracing the Magic and Messiness of the Journey.”

Hummingbird photo credit: Gabriele Cuff

To order your copy, CLICK HERE

With love and gratitude!



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