Women's Circles

There are times I am surprised at the abundance of women friendships in my life. I love that  age is no barrier to sisterhood. I have women friends of all ages, backgrounds and occupations. I am conscious of how rich I am. And I want every woman to share in that same richness.

I have a part in creation connection with other women. My Women’s Circles bring that to you.

  1. Become more of whom I really am because of how my friends see me. They bring out the best in me and I see myself as whole, complete and healthy.
  2. I am encouraged to do things I may not try on my own. My sisterhood sees me as more capable than I see myself.
  3. I have a safe place to process my experiences. As I describe what I am going through I hear their reflections and I find healing.
  4. I am accepted where I am at. There is no fixing or advice giving…..unless I ask for it.
  5. I am encouraged to celebrate without apology. My sisterhood celebrates with me. There is no jealousy. As I celebrate others are enriched.
  6. I receive. I am learning that when I brush away a compliment or minimize an acknowledgment, I am taking away from the other. Mutual joy and connection results when I say, ‘Thank you’ and receive graciously.
  7. I am more creative because of my sisterhood. We brainstorm together and the synergy that results is exciting and powerful.

    I am conscious of how rich I am.

    I believe that because I am part of such a diverse and vibrant sisterhood, I am modelling what is possible for other women.

    I offer Women’s Circles in Vancouver and Abbotsford.