My latest article from Thrive Global:

What My Impatience Taught Me During COVID-19

It has been two months of sheltering in place and staying home. This has been a time of many changes in my outer world, and I am aware of my inner world being filled with turmoil and uncertainty as well. I have experiences that are magical and fun and then, seemingly on the same day, I am thrown into the messiness of life. I am on a roller coaster without visiting an amusement park!

I have been surprised at how easily I am triggered these days. My reserve tank of patience is running low, and I am easily upset by โ€˜littleโ€™ things that in the past I ignored or brushed away. I understand that a trigger is a threatening event that causes me to have a strong reaction. Usually my reactivity includes anger or fear and my breathing gets rapid, with my heart racing as my body is preparing for โ€˜fight or flightโ€™. My ability to evaluate what is really happening disappears, and I lash out without thinking.

Walking in the woods has been my lifesaver these past few weeks. Spring offers an abundance of new growth and I am energized by the rain-washed air and the bright green of new leaves. I love my walks.

Until this happens.

Keep Reading Article HERE

Categories: Self-Care

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