What I am learning about Love this month

February is the month of Love. Or is it?

Some folks would say that Valentine’s Day is a marketing ploy for the chocolate shops. And that it isn’t really a day of love at all. Instead it is a day to exert pressure to give gifts and cards. That seems to be what society expects.

There have been times that I have thought this exact thing. And, this year, I am thrilled to celebrate love the whole month! I am prepared to show love and receive love daily. Not only is it Valentine’s Day, it is my birthday this month. Another great reason to look for love in my life.

Here are some of the ways I am finding Love.

The flow of love from my grandchildren

  • I am learning so much about loving from my grandchildren. Love shows up in so many ways as I spend time with them and observe their lives.
  • I see the courage of my grandson as he adjusts to life with braces. He is determined and so faithful in caring for his teeth. He is showing love to his body by his commitment.
  • I see exuberant passion for life in another grandson who races along a hiking trail in his shorts on a winter day and who exclaims with joy over the variety of chocolate Kisses in his Valentine’s gift from me and his grandfather.
  • I join in the celebration of my granddaughter who has lost BOTH her front teeth!
  • Yesterday I wore the earrings that another granddaughter gave me for Christmas. She  searched for just the right colour and was beaming when I told her how much I enjoyed wearing them.
  • My youngest is anticipating sharing a birthday party with me. Proudly he declares, ‘I am going to be this old’ and holds up all the fingers on one hand. He will be 5 soon.
  • Then there is my grandson, the artist, who is always finding a spot to draw and create. It could be paper or it could be sand or dirt. Creativity is a sign of loving life.
  • On our hike yesterday, one of my granddaughters held back so she could walk with me. She confided, ‘Grandma, I am slow hiker. I think I get that from you.’ We laughed together and finished the hike at our own delicious pace.

The love I am receiving from my body and the love I am offering myself

  • My body has cared for me for many years. I have taken it for granted and often ignored its needs. It has responded to my demands to be challenged and has allowed me to accomplish marathons and other physical goals.
  • My body loves me so much that it is telling me to pay attention to what it needs at this time of my life. After several months of low energy and loss of vitality, I am listening!
  • As I am responding to these signs with an open mind and heart, I find myself showering my body with nurturing, extra rest, appreciation and acceptance. I am asking for help from others, and slowing down as I regain my health.
  • What is happening is that I am showing love to myself in new ways. I use words like devotion rather than deprivation as I experiment with a way of eating that offers the possibility of increased vitality and balance in my body.
  • My body shows love as I am starting to feel strong and healthy. I am experiencing abundance and adventure as I partner with my body and honour it. No more shaming and being mean to my body. The flow of love warms my heart and creates a deep peace.

The love I am receiving from others

  • I struggle with accepting help, especially from my children. On our recent hike, my son helped me over a fence and made sure I was safe on the muddy trail. I heard my ‘inner mean girl’ shaming me for being weak. I chose to ask her to ‘go hike somewhere else’ and I gratefully reached for his outstretched hand.
  • I have close friends who check in with me and offer their support by listening and reframing my time of ‘tiredness’ and slowing down. Many of them remind me that this is an opportunity to lean into deep learning. This is a spiritual journey where I am discovering secret corners of my personality that have been hidden by the ‘costume’ I have been wearing most of my life.
  • The unexpected smile from a stranger as I walk along the sea wall is a gift to me.
  • I am moved and touched by the warmth of my husband’s hug as he checks in with me. His love shows up in his patience and grace over the past few months.

There is Love wherever I look, it seems. I am inspired to continue my search for Love, even after
the month is over.

[question]Will you join me? I am curious to hear your experience of Love in your life. Please share in the comments below. I would love to hear about new places where I might find love.[/question]

Thank you for being here with me. I send you love and appreciation today.



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